Tom and Nicks Nepalese adventure

Thu, Apr 8, 2010 14:14 Nick: I'm off to Nepal on 1 May for 2 weeks - you in? 14:15 me: yes

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Deurali(3200)->Annapurna Base Camp(4130)

The morning is the coolest and foggiest so far. As we start the final ascent we notice the people going in the opposite direction are all rugged up and soaked.
We arrive at Machhapuchre Base Camp(3700) very cold and tired and noticing slight headaches. We order hot tea to regroup and meet a couple from Spain as well as 2 English girls all sheltering from the weather on their way up. Leaving our new friends we start the final assault. By now the fog has changed to a chilling rain however the track has leveled out. We take it slow cautious as we are not sure how we will react to the altitude.
Then, appearing through the fog we see the final steps leading to the base camp buildings. We both proudly climb these together. We are met by locals who congratulate our efforts before quickly sheltering from the elements, we however take a moment to sit. It is not long before we are worried our goofy grins might become frozen in place.As we go inside the snow starts to fall we begin to doubt whether the fog will lift before we have to start the trek back down.
Through my many trips through South East Asia I have until this point managed to avoid using the squat toilet to its intended design. I cannot wait any longer. Results were mixed the cold conditions did not help.
I return to the dining hall where a heater is cranking and the porters card game something along the lines of poker has increased in intensity as well as the betting stakes. We meet up with our friends from MBC and play spoons. I lose and have to piggy back the winner the Spanish guy around the camp drawing attention to myself with donkey noises. As everyone returns to the dining hall sufficiently entertained I linger as I am warm from my physical challenge. I look out and notice the sky is clearing I call for the others and we spend the rest of the afternoon climbing ridges and watching the surrounding peaks appear and disappear. The ridge overlooks an immense rockfall resembling an open cut mine. Every so often the crack and rumble of a landslide echoes through the amphitheater.
We had been in a plastic bottle free zone since Taulung so we fill our existing bottles with boiled water I have the idea of placing this in my sleeping bag. That night when I inform Nick of my amazing idea he calls me a princess and tells me the last time he had a hot water bottle he was 5.


Blogger tommygunns said...

Start time 8:00
Finish time 12:00
Lunch break --:--
Total walking time 4:00

May 30, 2010 at 6:43 PM  

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